Flower forecast 21 april

Flower forecast – 21 April 2022 – Tulips in full bloom

The tulips are visibly enjoying the lovely spring weather in Holland. In Keukenhof Gardens and on the tulip fields the tulips are in full bloom. This weekend it is time for the 75th Dutch Flower Parade. This spring festival will be held as usual. The next 3 to 4 weeks, you can enjoy spring in Holland. All tulip attractions are open until 15 May 2022.

Current state of the tulip fields in Holland

The tulip fields are in full bloom. There are still some late varieties of tulips that have not yet bloomed but the majority of the tulip fields are in bloom. Also at the tulip attractions such as Keukenhof Gardens you can enjoy the colourful tulips.

Tips for visiting Keukenhof Gardens this week

Keukenhof Gardens
Keukenhof Gardens

In the coming weeks, the tulips in Holland will be in full bloom and we are happy that many people will come to admire this. We expect a lot of crowds and that makes it important to plan your trip well. Popular attractions like Keukenhof Gardens are often sold out. Below some tips to prepare well for your visit to the tulips: 

Book your tickets in advance!
Individual tickets for Keukenhof Gardens are almost sold out for the next few days. There are no tickets available at the box office. If you still need to buy Keukenhof tickets, you can look for the early or late time slots. Another option is to book a tour from Amsterdam or look for the Keukenhof bus combi ticket. The following tours still have availability the coming days:

If you want to enjoy the Keukenhof cruise during your visit, we advise you to book the cruise in advance. There is only a limited capacity. The Keukenhof cruise starts from the flower park and so you must also have a Keukenhof ticket to go on the cruise. 

Visit one of the smaller tulip attractions

Near the tulip fields are also several other tulip attractions that are definitely worth a visit. Tickets are often still available for these small-scale attractions. The attractions are less easily accessible by public transport, but are situated along the flower cycle route.

Weather forecast Holland

The weather forecast for the next two weeks is very good. The sun will show itself a lot and the temperature will feel like spring.

Flower Forecast 2022*

We expect the following blooming periods for the flower fields:

  • Crocus – Most of the crocuses have finished flowering.
  • Daffoldils – Some daffoldils fields are still flowering. We expect until end of April.
  • Hyacints – Some hyacint flower fields are still flowering. We expect until end of April.
  • Tulips – More and more tulips are flowering. Peak blooming is now and will last about 3 weeks. **

*We try to predict the flowering of the flowers as well as possible. However, the bloom continues to be influenced by nature. Due to weather conditions the flowering process can be different than what we expect.

**The above forecast applies to the flower fields. The flowering at Keukenhof and in the other show gardens will be the whole season. When planting, early and late blooming flowers were taken into account. Also, the flowers are not headed.

Flower Map 2022

Check the flower map below to see how the flower fields are currently blooming. We update the flower map weekly.

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