Tulip season Amsterdam 2022

Amsterdam Tulip Season 2025

Do you want to visit the Amsterdam Tulip Season in Holland? Then this article could help you plan your perfect trip to the capital of Holland, Amsterdam and see the Dutch tulips fields in bloom. Tulip Festival starts on Thursday 20 March till Sunday 11 May 2025. Get free updates about Tulip Festival. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and subscribe to our free newsletter.

Tulips in spring 2025

Every year millions of tulips are blooming in and around Amsterdam. The tulip season in Holland marks the beginning of spring. The colorful flowers and the rising temperatures make many people from all over the world happy.

When is Tulip Season in Holland?

When you are in Holland you will see tulips in the flower shops from December till around May. This tulips are not growing on flower fields but in greenhouses. You will not see any tulip fields in December, January and February. A blooming tulip field in March is also very rare but possible. Most people want to see the outdoor tulip fields. The best month to see tulips in Holland is April.Β The best chance of seeing the most beautiful tulip fields is from the second week of April to early May 2025.

Tulip fields in Holland

Tulip Season 2019
The flower farmers are looking for sick tulips in a tulip field next to Keukenhof Gardens

The famous tulip fields in Holland are blooming in spring but when you want to see the bright colors of the tulip fields you will have to plan your trip. Difficulty here is that the weather is an important factor in determining when the tulip fields bloom. Every year we publish our free Flower Forecasts. With our forecasts we keep you updated about the weather and growing of the tulips in Holland.

How long will a tulip field bloom?

Tulip Fields in spring 2019
This flower grower heads the tulips to grow the flower bulb

Tulips growing on the tulip fields are mostly grown for the flower bulb and not for the flower itself. Most tulip fields are therefore headed after 2 or 3 weeks of flowering so that more energy can go to the flower bulb instead of the flower. In Keukenhof Gardens and at the tulip show gardens, the tulips are not cut back and therefore the tulips there will bloom until mid-May.

Events during Tulip season in Holland

During Tulip season, you can enjoy a host of events in and around Amsterdam. The main one is Keukenhof Gardens where you can see the most beautiful flower gardens in 2025 from 20 March tm 11 May. And how about the world-famous Bloemencorso (Flower Parade), which will run on Saturday 12 April in 2025. Check out our must do top 5 events during Tulip Festival in Holland.

Is the tulip originally from Holland?

The history of the tulip is fascinating and contains surprising information. Watch the video below and discover where the tulips originally came from and how tulips eventually became the symbol of Holland.

Watch the history of the Tulip in this short animation made by the Amsterdam Tulip Museum.

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