Amsterdam Travel Tips

Amsterdam is the most popular city in Holland and also in Europe. The diversity of the city will amaze you. You certainly do not get bored in the world-famous 17th century Capital of Holland because there is always something to do for young and old. Of course there are many attractions in Amsterdam and even more hotels in Amsterdam.

If you are going to visit Amsterdam, it is useful to prepare yourself for your transport inside and outside the city. There is also so much to do that good planning helps you get the most out of your visit to Amsterdam. Below we give you some tips that can help you to experience Amsterdam and Holland optimally.

Amsterdam Museums 

Amsterdam has the world’s highest museum density and it’s home to cultural treasures like the Van Gogh MuseumAnne Frank House, and Rijksmuseum with its world-famous “The Night Watch’’ by Rembrandt the painter. Are you visiting Amsterdam with children? Micropia near Artis and Science Center NEMO and This is Holland are must-see attractions!

Amsterdam Canal Cruise

The name of the city dates from the 12th century, when a dam was built in the Amstel river. Today the water is still a defining element of Amsterdam. You should definitely go on a boat tour in Amsterdam and discover the historic canals of Amsterdam, which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011.

Amsterdam Tulips

Wanna hear the story of the dutch national symbol the tulip? You can travel to the Bollenstreek area (flower region). In spring you will be amazed by the bright colors of the blooming flower fields. The Bollenstreek is just a 30 minutes drive from the city centre of Amsterdam. Keukenhof Gardens is also located in the Bollenstreek.

Amsterdam Facts

  • Currency | Euro (€)
  • Language | Dutch
  • Visa |Generally not required for stays of up to three months
  • Money | Creditcard are accepted in most hotels, museums and attractions. Some restaurants do not accept creditcard
  • Time | Central European Time (GMT/UTC plus one hour)
  • Tipping | Between 5% to 10% for restaurants, taxi driver etc. 

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