Every year it is a shock for many visitors to the tulip fields in Holland. The heading of the tulip flowers on the production fields. Why are the beautiful blooming tulips removed when they are at their best? Read it all in this article.
The first important thing you should know it that the flower fields in Holland are mostly for the growing of flower bulbs and not for the flower. The fields are production fields and not intended as a show garden like Keukenhof Gardens.
Tulips on the fields are not intended for the flower shop
This is why most of the flowers never make it to the flower shop. If the tulips were intended for the flower shop, they would hardly get any color on the flower fields. They had to be picked early so that the flower can bloom beautifully at home. But that is not the case for many flower fields. Tulips are blooming in the brightest colors during peak season. Thats because the farmer wants to grow the best quality flower bulbs. The flower must bloom so that the farmer can check for viruses and mutations of the tulip species.
Removing the tulips from the field
Unfortunately, for growing high-quality flower bulbs, it is necessary to remove the flower as soon as it is in full bloom. In this way, the energy from the tulip no longer goes to the flower, but that energy flows back to the flower bulb, which in this way can grow and multiply better.
Where does the tulips in the flower shop come from?
A frequently asked question is where then do the tulips come from the flower shop if they do not come from the flower fields?
Most of the tulips in the flower shop come from nurseries. The tulips in greenhouses are grown in four weeks from flower bulb to tulip for sale.
Tulips throughout the year
The advantage of growing tulips is that this is possible throughout the year. The flower bulbs are cooled so that the winter is simulated. As soon as the tulips arrive in the greenhouse, they think it will be spring and start flowering. This way we can enjoy the colorful Dutch tulips for longer.
When are the tulips been removed from the tulip fields
Every year, nature determines how the tulips grow on the flower fields. At an early and warm spring, the tulips flower earlier and the flowers are removed earlier by the farmers. On average, farmers start removing flowers at the end of April / beginning of May. Follow our flower forecasts to stay informed of the status of the flower fields.
How to plan your trip to see the tulip fields at there best?
If you are planning your trip its best to book between Mid April and the end of April. These weeks are most likely to see the tulip fields at their best.
Of course, no guarantees can be given because flowering depends on nature. An additional advantage is that Keukenhof Lentetuin usually blooms very nicely during this period.
Popular links
Are you planning to visit the best (flower) activities in Holland? Make sure to check out the most populair activities:
- Everything you want to know about Keukenhof Gardens
- Check out our information about the Flower Parade in Holland
- Our top sightseeing tours for exploring the flower fields
- Buy Keukenhof quality tulip bulbs online and create your own tulip garden
- Check out our hotel tips for visiting Keukenhof and the tulip fields
- Stay informed about the blooming of the flowers in Holland with our free Flower Forecast
- Want to experience the real thing? Visit a tulip farm in Holland
- See the best flower events during your visit to Holland? Check it out in ourΒ events calendar
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- Read more about the Tulip Festival Card