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March 1, 2019 – Let spring begin!

It’s already March and we had some great spring weather in February here in Holland. With rising temperatures, lot’s of sunshine and blue skies it already feels like spring. Fortunately, the nights were still on the cold side so the blooming of the spring flowers was still somewhat inhibited.

The first flower fields have started to bloom and give the first (yellow) color to the Bollenstreek region. This mainly concerns daffodils and crocus fields. It looks good for the flowering of the flowers.

Current state of the flower fields in Holland

Weather Forecast

The weather forecast predicts more rain for the coming days and temperatures also going down slightly.

Flower Forecast 2019

The last two weeks of February the weather in Holland was much better than normal. The temperature was good and the sun showed itself well. As a result the first flower fields have already started to bloom which is about 2 weeks earlier. The tulip fields are slowly turning more green.

For the time being, we still expect the flower fields to grow a bit earlier (around 1 week for the tulip fields). Check out the average growth of the flowers. But the weather in Holland can still surprise us. We keep a close eye on the weather predictions for the coming weeks. From now on we will start with our weekly newsletter and we will update our Flower Map every week.

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Do you want to be the first to know about the latest predictions for the flowering of flowers in Holland? Subscribe to our free Flower Forecast newsletter for free. This gives you an update every month and an update every week from March to May.

Flower Map 2019

From 7 March till Mid May we will update the Flower Map weekly.

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